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You have to be registered to the main sale if you want to register to the volunteer and art gift forms.

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Volunteers registration

There are no hired staff or event managers at Amber Burn. There are us building the city, gifting the performance, creating art or volunteering during the gathering. Amber Burn is inviting you to immerse yourself in the full experience of a Burn and participate by filling the volunteering form.

Read more about volunteering here.

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Early arrival & Strike pass registration

If you want to create the Amber Burn City and help to leave no trace after it, you are willing to work long hours, but in return get priceless experience, Amber Burn needs you!

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MAIN AB registration to the gathering

It’s not a secret that Amber Burn city comes to life through the communal effort of its inhabitants - meaning YOUr self-expression, YOUr active contribution, YOUr creativity are mandatory for us ALL to burn together. 

Only the ones that build the city and actively contribute starting from NOW will be able to celebrate in the gathering. 

Increase your chance to get the ticket & join us in living the creation of a new reality, a new perception - showcase your art, create a Theme Camp, deliver a performance, teach us your ways - let’s see what we all can create!


Registration is closed

ART Grants registration


Have you got a mind-blowing idea for an ART project? Do you need community financial support to make it happen? Wait no longer! Amber Burn’s ART Grants are here to back you up - share the concept by filling up the registration form and we will get back to you. 


Please note that Amber Burn can only partly fund your art project so consider other options how to crowdfund it.


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Your Gift to Amber Burn Registration


Dear Amber Burn citizens, your City is calling for your awesomeness! Are you good at something and would like to share it with others? Would you like to spread your knowledge and talents through a workshop? Gift an artwork to the beautiful Amber Burn city? Open a discussion on climate change? Cook some food and feed the citizens of AB? Teach the benefits of Kriya Yoga? Organize samba class? Anything and everything goes!

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Eye pass registration

Visual artists!
It's your time to fill in application for Amber Burn'22 EYE PASS and be selected to have there your camera gear in action.

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Theme Camp registration

You and your friends are planning to join Amber Burn & burning to share your unique vibe and gifts with an open-and-like-minded crowd? You are looking to create a breeding-ground for extraordinary processes of cultural exchange, interactive fun games, multidimensional soundscapes, miraculous and breathtaking experiences and lifetime memories?

Gather your tribe, pack your devices, put on your goggles, take off your pants, place the mad hat on your head, paint your car, create your unique space and register your Theme Camp!

Theme Camps are the heART(s) of Amber Burn city, let’s build it together! 

Registration is closed

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